Friday, 30 May 2014

Vanishing For The Vote: The Suffragette Census Boycott Across Manchester – And Beyond at Manchester Central Library

Dr Jill Liddington, Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Leeds, will discuss her new book,Vanishing for The Vote, which tells the story of what happened on census night, Sunday 2 April 1911.  The Liberal government, which still denied women the vote, ordered every household to comply with its census requirements resulting in suffragette organizations urging women to boycott this census.
Jill Liddington will take us through this fascinating topic with a particular focus on the events in Manchester.  Archives+ will provide supporting archive documentation for attendees to view and handle.
The event will take place in Manchester’s beautifully refurbished Central Library, and tea and coffee will be provided free of charge.
Wednesday 4 June 2014, 6pm
Please book via Eventbrite

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

To fight, to struggle, to right the wrong: the National Federation of Women Workers, 1906-1921

To fight, to struggle, to right the wrong: the National Federation of Women Workers, 1906-1921 

Wed 25 June 2pm 

Working Class Movement Library

Cathy Hunt talks about the tireless efforts of grassroots activists in this early 20th century all-female British trade union (led by the charismatic Mary Macarthur) to strengthen the position of women workers who were too often the victims of excessively low pay and poor working conditions.

Dr Cathy Hunt is Senior Lecturer in History at Coventry University.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Time Machine/Back In Time - this Saturday 24 May at Manchester Art Gallery

Saturday 24 May 2014
11.00am - 1.00pm

No More Page 3 invite you to explore Joana Vasconcelos' work in relation to the No More Page 3 campaign and discuss why representation matters.
Our Exhibition Time Machine by Joana Vasconcelos exhibition can be considered very much as a critique of contemporary society that destabilises traditional views of female sexuality, the status of women and consumer culture.
Page 3 is considered by many as a sexist '70s hangover that re-asserts the view, in one of the country's largest 'family' newspapers, that women are there to titillate, a pure object of male desire. Something that really takes the status of women back in time!
No More Page 3 invite you to explore Joana Vasconcelos' work in relation to the No More Page 3 campaign and discuss why representation matters.
We will be looking particularly at the works Big Booby #2 and Bond Girl. There'll be open, relaxed and creative discussion and a minutes respect for the Booby and a collective group poem creation/discussion that looks at aspects of gender in Vasconcelos' work, Page 3, the gallery space itself and society as a whole.


Let's get together to discuss why representation really matters.
Meet us in the Atrium at 10.50. Information about the campaign and opportunities to sign the petition will be available.
This is a free event, no tickets required, but please book a place at Eventbrite.
Please note: Due to the next #bringbackourgirls rally being at 1pm in Piccadilly Gardens we have brought the time for this event forward to 11am, and will be ending at 1pm, to enable people wishing to attend both (including ourselves) to be able to do so.
Follow the conversation on Facebook or Twitter:

Monday, 19 May 2014

Ellen Wilkinson – from Red Suffragist to Government Minister

In her day, Ellen Wilkinson was the most famous, and certainly the most outspoken, British female politician. Born and bred in Manchester, she was a feminist and a socialist who, among many other achievements, helped women over the age of 21 gain the vote, led the iconic Jarrow Crusade and in 1945 became the first female Minister of Education. She was only 4' 10" but she punched way above her height, hence some of her nicknames: the 'mighty atom' and the 'fiery particle'. 

 In 1924, when Ellen first took her seat in Parliament, she was the only woman on the Labour benches and one of only four women in the House of Commons. Join Dr Paula Bartley as she examines what it was like to be in such a minority in Parliament and find out more about Ellen's achievements.

Dr Paula Bartley has been promoting women's history in schools, colleges and universities for most of her adult life. She was Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Wolverhampton before going to live in Hungary for seven years.

In 1983 she co-founded the Women in History series for Cambridge University Press aimed at school students. She co-edited ten books in the series and co-authored three of them with topics ranging from Women in Medieval Europe through to Women in India and Pakistan. Her sole-authored books include The Changing Role of Women;Votes for Women; Prostitution, Reform and Prevention, 1860-1914; and Emmeline Pankhurst.

In 2012 she won the Elizabeth Longford award, administered by the Society of Authors, to support her research on Ellen Wilkinson.

Her biography, Ellen Wilkinson: From red suffragist to Government Minister was published by Pluto Press in February this year.

Saturday 12 July 2014 at People's History Museum, 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Suitable for adults and young people

Treat yourself to 15% off in The Left Bank cafe bar when you attend an event at the People’s History Museum

Booking Requirements: Booking required via Eventbrite

Please note event attendees must arrive at least ten minutes before the start time of the event, otherwise their booked space will be given to someone on the reserve list

Please contact the museum as soon as possible if you wish to cancel your reservation so your place can be given to another visitor