Monday, 16 March 2015

Introducing - The Mighty Heart Theatre

Love my hair and face and thunder calves.

I don’t love anything about myself.

I like being small but I want to be much thinner.

Compassion, compassion.

I love that I am smart. I love my brain.

Hello, we are Mighty Heart Theatre & these are some of the quotes taken from our anonymous surveys (of which we had over 100 responses) which have gone towards creating When I Feel Like Crap I Google Kim Kardashian Fat .

To give you a bit of context… last year over dinner a girlfriend of mine said “when I feel like crap I google Kim Kardashian fat” …after which my jaw hit the floor, I paused in awkward silence, laughed it off & then got out my phone & wrote it in my notes app. I knew that it was going to be a trigger for a new piece of work. I did not know what/how/when. Fast forward 4 months & we have complied a mountain of material from interviewing self-identifying women & conducting anonymous surveys!!

Creating this work has been a huge eye opener both as performers but most importantly as women. To quote one of our anonymous surveys “women are cruel sometimes. Women can be cruel”. Within this piece of theatre we do not claim to hold the answers, instead we’d like to share the stories & open up a conversation about the pressure of unattainable perfectionism & how this has seeped in to our culture.

We are also testing ourselves as performers. Certain aspects of the piece will unfold on the night with new material being used each performance to keep the work alive & to give a voice to as many of the stories as possible. It will be different every night! This as you can imagine is a flippin scary prospect as performers! Will it work? Who knows but we’re going to have fun trying it out!

We are so proud that we are presenting this work as part of Wonder Women Festival 2015. Without the urgency & deadline of this festival it’s quite likely that this piece would still not have been created yet! Our verbatim theatre performance (*verbatim theatre is a type of documentary theatre in which plays are constructed from the precise words spoken by people interviewed about a particular event or topic) explores what it means to be a woman in a world obsessed with body image & celebrity culture & the effect this is having on our self-esteem & lives.

Please join us to celebrate the festival & raise a glass to our own Wonder Women. We proudly present this performance as part of Wonder Women 2015 with support from Unity Theatre Trust & Arts Council England.

Performances take place at Gullivers NQ on Oldham Street M4 on Monday 30th & Tuesday 31st March both at 8PM. 

Tickets are £4.95 and can be bought via WeGotTickets here: 

*trigger warning: content includes stories on disordered eating.